New Zealand Show

Show #4: Christchurch, New Zealand

Sure[1], Four Turtles[2], Duke’s Revenge[3], Ticket, Reload

[1, 2, 3] Debuts

The Christchurch show was the best show played by the band to date, and it brought with it a lot of interesting data and lore.

First, the band debuted a full three songs, meaning more than half the show was brand new. Second, the band decided in Christchurch that because the new songs were received well, any show with new music would always begin with a new song. Third, Ticket and Reload brought the house down, which is where the band realised these two songs were their crowd favourites, and work best later in the set.

The next show was going to be played further south, in Dunedin. The band decided to put some of their new theories to the test.

Concert rating: 61/100

Date: 19th January, 2020
Concert id: 2020-01-19

New Zealand Show

Show #8: Hamilton, New Zealand

Waiting for Fred[1], Reload, Ticket, Four Turtles, Duke’s Revenge, Blue Orange

[1] Debut

The band stormed into Hamilton hungry for a good show, and agreed on playing the “Big Three” to help them achieve that. Despite pleading from the drummer, who believed that their “always start with a new song” strategy was jinxing entire shows, the band started with Waiting for Fred.

It did not go well. But despite that mistake, the show ended up with the highest rating yet. And what do you do after a great show? If you’re this band, you get in a giant fight and break up.

Concert rating: 61/100

Date: 26th January, 2020
Concert id: 2020-01-26

Show USA

Show #10: Honolulu, USA

Duke’s Revenge, The Wave, Ticket, The First Show, Pixilxil, Four Turtles, Reload

The band decided to play a trick on the drummer, and leads the whole show with Duke’s Revenge. Torn between putting on a good show and standing up for himself, he ends up playing along.

The Wave delights a small percentage of “Wavers” in the audience, but drags down the show. A decent showing, but not great.

Concert rating: 55/100

Date: 22th April, 2020
Concert id: 2020-04-22

Show USA

Show #12: San Francisco, USA

The Wave, On the Low Rung, Blended Together, Lilliput, Duke’s Revenge, Blue Orange

A truly awful show for the band. The Wave kicks things off, which gets a groan from a sizeable portion of the crowd. Then the show manages to get even worse. A subpar rendition of Blue Orange finishes out the set on a bit of a high note, not that most people even stuck around that long.

Concert rating: 44/100

Date: 24th April, 2020
Concert id: 2020-04-24